I get a number of enquiries about energy in the home.
My best advice is to do a Cambridge Carbon Footprint "Foot print group" http://www.cambridgecarbonfootprint.org/#CCG. As a follow up to the groups, which spend an evening taling about energy in the home, we also provide a network of contacts to support chanbe and a 'House Doctor' scheme were various experts can provide advice and practicle help.
There are a number of options.
You might like to take advantage of the EST free advice
http://www.energysavingtrust.org.uk/ "For free, independent and
local energy saving advice call 0800 512 012"
You can also get free advice from the Centre for Alternative Technology,
www.cat.org.uk, 01654 705989. (They may be able to put you in touch with graduates of the the Renewable Energy course working as consultants.)
Cambridge Architectural Research (www.carltd.com, 01223 460475) can provide background and strategic advice on conservation and renewable energy. If you wanted to come to our offices with photos and plans, Jason Palmer and/or myself could provide a couple of hours consultation
for a fee (appx. £200). You would then be in a position to request quotations for installation of the technologies that suite your buildings.
We know of 3 architectural practices in Cambridge who advise on thermal
upgrades, sustainability and renewable technologies.
Granta Architects www.grantaarchitects.com 01223 305550
AC Architects, www.acarchitectscambridge.com, 01223 576315
Ecoways consulting, www.ecoways.org.uk, 01223 654 163
There must be more in Cambridge and region. I look forward to contacts!
Another useful resource is the Association of Environment Conscious Builders, www.aecb.net, who have a data base of local consultants.
We are also aware of some contractors who have contacted CCF:
Dragon Contracts, www.dragonbc.co.uk, 01799 598 086
Hutie, www.huttie.com, 01223 292 295